Welcome to the ACRE

The Agronomy Center for Research and Education, ACRE, is an outdoor laboratory for Purdue Agriculture. Used for field research and hands-on teaching, the 1,135 acre farm is a busy place with faculty, staff, student, and visitor activity. I am Jim Beaty. I have been Superintendent of the ACRE since 1986. With my four full time staff members, part time help, and student employees we are responsible for operating the research farm. About 53 university researchers conduct projects here at the ACRE. I plan to write about our research, visitors, and farm safety thoughts.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Pesticide application awareness should be enhanced with additional signage this spring.

Signs and this portable board will help you and the other farm workers remember to stop at the Field Research Building to check the spray record board for application areas and restricted entry areas.
  • Remember to not be in a field that is within ¼ mile of active spraying.
  • Remember to not re-enter a field after spraying until the re-entry interval has expired.
  • Remember that decontamination supplies (water, soap, & paper towels) need to be within ¼ mile of field workers.
  • Remember that assistance is to be provided to any worker with pesticide exposure.
  • Remember that all field workers are to have WPS training before coming to ACRE. (unless they are a certified applicator or handler)
  • Remember, again, to stop at the Research Building to check the application board.
Now applicators you too must remember to write down your application intentions prior to going to the field to spray.

 Be safe at ACRE

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

ACRE conditions update

The rain gauge only showed 0.03” and I think it blew away in yesterday’s wind. Wow!

Soil conditions are shaping up beautifully.

I am guessing that later today we can do about any field preparation requested,

assuming our field cultivator gets fixed this morning.

We will expect the weather to hold for a few days.

Who wants to plant first now that conditions have improved?

If you want field work this week or by Monday please communicate your thoughts.