Welcome to the ACRE

The Agronomy Center for Research and Education, ACRE, is an outdoor laboratory for Purdue Agriculture. Used for field research and hands-on teaching, the 1,135 acre farm is a busy place with faculty, staff, student, and visitor activity. I am Jim Beaty. I have been Superintendent of the ACRE since 1986. With my four full time staff members, part time help, and student employees we are responsible for operating the research farm. About 53 university researchers conduct projects here at the ACRE. I plan to write about our research, visitors, and farm safety thoughts.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

ACRE Safety Thought #47

As we tried to load a combine on a semi-trailer recently, many safety thoughts ran through our minds. But with a temperature in the single digits and high winds it was “frostbite” that really got our attention. Painfully cold toes and fingers are a helpful warning sign to take a warm-up break. The cold chains and metal added to the hazards of frostbite. So wear proper clothing, avoid prolonged skin exposure, and go into a warm place as needed to avoid frostbite. Think, plan and work safely at ACRE. Jim

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