Welcome to the ACRE

The Agronomy Center for Research and Education, ACRE, is an outdoor laboratory for Purdue Agriculture. Used for field research and hands-on teaching, the 1,135 acre farm is a busy place with faculty, staff, student, and visitor activity. I am Jim Beaty. I have been Superintendent of the ACRE since 1986. With my four full time staff members, part time help, and student employees we are responsible for operating the research farm. About 53 university researchers conduct projects here at the ACRE. I plan to write about our research, visitors, and farm safety thoughts.

Monday, October 18, 2010

ACRE Safety Thought #03

I’ve talked about safety as an “attitude” as much as a “set of rules.” I’ve talked about outlining a list of safety hazards to identify for each specific research project and giving employees “project specific safety training.” Now I’d like for you to think about following through on safety education with “informed supervision.” Make sure the first time you send someone to the farm (or your lab on campus) that they have an “informed employee” show them potential risks and train them on a procedure to work safely. The training employee needs to assure that the new employee does in fact recognize the hazard and understands how to work safely. Plan, train, and work safely at the ACRE. Thanks. Jim ( The was first published in the Purdue Agronomy Weekly Newsletter in Dec 2008)

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